I believe…

I believe that our responder community takes care of our needs and keeps us safe and healthy by handling tasks we can’t do or don’t want to do. 

I believe public service is a calling and the people who work in these jobs will show up, no matter the cost to themselves or their families. 

I believe that during tragedies you can always find good people showing up to help. 

I believe that there are some bad people working in public service and it is our responsibility to remove them from positions of power.

I believe that good responders deserve the community’s support, so they can do their jobs to the best of their ability and without sacrifice to their own health. 

#findthegood #thinpurpleline #thinblueline #thinredline #thingreenline #thingreyline #thinyellowline #deathismylife 



Pre-career: high school


November Live Alcohol Experiment