Surviving the grind: when the casework isn’t the problem


They say that finding the perfect job is like finding a unicorn – a mythical creature that promises endless joy and happiness. But let's be real, most of us aren't hunting for mythical creatures, we're just trying to get through the day without pushing the cot down the nearest hill. Working anywhere can be a struggle, like trying to fold a fitted sheet or assembling IKEA furniture without ending up in a fit of frustration, but working with the dead has its own challenges.

(That wins the Understatement of the Year award)

If you throw a toxic work environment into the mix, you've got a recipe for disaster that's not only hard, but also soul-sucking and downright dreadful.

Does this sound familiar: you stumble into the office in the morning, bleary-eyed and clutching a cup of coffee that's acting as your lifeline. You're ready to take on the day, armed with a fresh box of gloves (they had your size!), no decomps, and a determined spirit. But before you can even type your computer password, you're greeted by the admin, whose smile could curdle milk and whose voice could shatter glass. She launches into a monologue about her cat's dietary habits while you struggle to comprehend an email from a “concerned citizen” about their Jimmy Hoffa theory. The work itself is like a puzzle with missing pieces, a Rubik's cube that refuses to be solved.

The work itself might be like taming a wild beast, but add in a toxic work environment and you're suddenly trying to tame that wild beast while juggling flaming swords and tap-dancing on a tightrope. It's a circus act that leaves you questioning your life choices and contemplating a career as a professional goat yoga instructor.

I want to talk about the cast of characters that populate this theater of absurdity. In every morgue, you're bound to encounter a collection of personalities that could rival a Shakespearean tragedy. There's the Drama Queen, who turns every minor setback into a catastrophe of epic proportions. Then there's the Know-It-All, who seems to have an opinion on everything from excited delirium to the proper way to brew a cup of tea. There’s your Work Wife or Work Husband: your ride or die, the gal or guy you only need to make eye contact with to convey entire discussion. Or what about Elvira, the emo chick who can’t be more than 21 years old but speaks like a Victorian embalmer. And who could forget the Passive-Aggressive Post-It Note Bandit, leaving cryptic messages about someone's failure to refill the body bags in Truck 3.

The work itself becomes a twisted dance when these characters come into play. Imagine trying to write a report while the Drama Queen sobs dramatically in the corner over a paper jam. Or attempting to concentrate on a conference call with a family while the Know-It-All offers unsolicited advice on how to document a SUIDI reenactment. It's like trying to navigate a minefield blindfolded – one wrong step, and you're faced with an explosion of frustration.


A toxic work environment doesn't just affect your mental health; it can also take a toll on your work ethic. It's hard enough to stay motivated when you're staring down a seemingly insurmountable mountain of drug overdose cases, but a toxic work environment adds a whole new layer of difficulty. Your inbox becomes a war zone of passive-aggressive emails and the breakroom transforms into a battleground of whispered gossip and sideways glances. Or throw in a boss who micromanages your every move and colleagues who engage in a daily battle of one-upmanship, and suddenly, that mountain turns into Everest.


Laughing Through the Tears: Finding Humor in the Chaos

Despite the chaotic nature of a toxic work environment, there's a certain dark humor that emerges from the madness. It's the kind of humor that's born out of necessity – a survival mechanism to help you cope with the absurdity of it all. I even created a "Wall of Shame" to display the most outrageous passive-aggressive notes.

The work itself might be challenging, but finding humor in the chaos can be a lifeline. It's a reminder that you're not alone in this circus, that others are also trying to juggle flaming swords and avoid the trapeze of office politics. Sharing a laugh with a coworker about the latest office drama can provide a brief respite from the madness and remind you that you're more than just a pawn in the toxic game.

As much as we've laughed about the trials and tribulations of navigating a toxic work environment, it's essential to recognize that this is no way to live. So, what's the solution? How do you navigate through the chaos and find your way to a healthier work environment?

  • Set Boundaries: Just as you would establish boundaries with a clingy ex, it's crucial to set limits with toxic coworkers. Politely but firmly communicate your boundaries and make it clear when their behavior crosses the line.

  • Seek Allies: Find like-minded colleagues who share your sentiments about the toxic atmosphere. Together, you can support each other and create a more positive space within the chaos.

  • Speak Up: If the toxicity becomes unbearable, don't hesitate to address the issue with higher-ups or HR. It's not about tattling; it's about creating a better work environment for everyone.

  • Focus on Self-Care: The work itself can be draining, and a toxic environment only exacerbates the exhaustion. Make self-care a priority, whether it's through regular exercise, meditation, or binge-watching adorable animal videos.

  • Consider a Change: If all else fails, it might be time to dust off your resume and explore new opportunities. Life is too short to spend it in a toxic work environment.


In the grand scheme of things, work itself is rarely a walk in the park. It's more like a stumble through a dense forest, where every tree root and fallen branch presents a new clandestine grave.

The work itself requires dedication, skill, and a healthy dose of caffeine. Yet, amid the chaos, there's a resilient spirit that emerges – a determination to not let the toxicity define your experience.

So, let's raise our coffee mugs to the brave souls who navigate the treacherous waters of both demanding work and toxic coworkers.

May your humor remain intact, your boundaries firm, and your resilience unwavering.


Joking around on scene? There are eyes and ears everywhere!


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