Virtual Peer Support

If you are employed or were employed as a forensic investigator, mediocolegal death investigator, coroner, medical examiner, death care worker, crime scene investigator, forensic analyst, firefighter, EMT, nurse, doctor, law enforcement officer, hospice staff, funeral home staff, autopsy technician, or any other employment that handles decedents - peer support is for you.

PS - You don’t have to be struggling or having a crisis to benefit from peer support!

Our work is not merely about death certificates, solving crimes, or analyzing evidence; it's about seeking the truth, delivering compassion, and making our communities safer. However, we cannot ignore the immense pressure and unique challenges that come with our profession. It's not a journey that anyone should undertake alone, and that's why we're thrilled to introduce a “first-responder” concept that will transform the way last responders collaborate, share knowledge, and thrive in our careers: Peer Support.

Peer Support is not just another buzzword; it's a movement that aims to connect forensic practitioners in a way only we can understand and appreciate. It's about forming a tight-knit, empathetic community that can be your backbone during both the highs and lows of your career. Whether you're a seasoned professional, a passionate newcomer, or somewhere in between, the power of peer support is ready to enhance your journey in forensic science and criminal justice. Muscle up buttercup, because we're about to dive into a world of vulnerability, feelings (ew!), collaboration, and growth.

What is Peer Support, and how can it professionalize the forensic community? Peer Support is a framework that brings together practitioners within a profession to provide mutual support, share knowledge, and navigate the unique challenges they face. It's built on trust, empathy, and a shared understanding of the profession's intricacies. Here's why it's a game-changer for forensic practitioners:

  • Emotional Resilience: Peer Support is a safe space where you can express your feelings, fears, and anxieties without judgment. Talking to peers who understand the emotional toll of our work can be incredibly therapeutic. It promotes emotional resilience and helps prevent burnout.

  • Professional Growth: In a profession that's constantly evolving, learning from one another is invaluable. Peer Support provides a platform for continuous education, skill development, and the exchange of best practices. Whether you're a veteran in the field or a newcomer, there's always something to learn from your peers.

  • Collaboration and Knowledge-Sharing: Forensic science is multidisciplinary, and the power of collaboration cannot be overstated. Peer Support encourages cross-discipline cooperation, enabling us to tackle complex cases more effectively. Sharing knowledge and experiences helps everyone grow.

  • Mentorship and Guidance: For those just starting their careers, Peer Support offers mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals. This can accelerate your learning curve and help you avoid common pitfalls. Being a mentor can also help reignite your passion, if you’re tiptoeing around burning out.

  • Community Building: One of the most exciting aspects of Peer Support is the sense of belonging to a close-knit community. It's about knowing that you're never alone in your journey. You have a network of peers who have your back.

Before we delve into the exciting realm of peer support, let's take a moment to reflect on the unique challenges faced by forensic practitioners today. Our profession operates at the crossroads of science, law, and justice, which means we face pressures from every angle. From backlogged casework to the complexities of courtroom testimonies, and from the constant advancements in technology to lack of funding and staffing, we navigate a constantly shifting landscape.

One of the primary challenges in our field is the emotional toll our work can take. Dealing with crime scenes, victims, and perpetrators can lead to emotional stress and trauma. The weight of the responsibility we carry can often feel overwhelming. Additionally, we work in an environment where the need for precision and accuracy is paramount. The margin for error is slim, which can lead to a constant fear of making mistakes.

Moreover, the forensic community has a diverse range of professionals, including crime scene investigators, forensic scientists, medical examiners, forensic psychologists, and many others. This diversity can sometimes lead to a lack of understanding and empathy between different branches of forensic science. Collaboration and knowledge-sharing are essential, but often limited.

Now, let's consider the opportunities. Despite the challenges, our field is undergoing a period of exciting transformation. Advances in technology are giving us tools that were once the stuff of science fiction. The science behind DNA analysis, digital forensics, and many other disciplines continues to advance rapidly. We have the potential to solve cases that were once deemed unsolvable, and our contributions to the criminal justice system are being recognized more than ever.

However, to fully leverage these opportunities and face our challenges head-on, we need a robust support system. That's where the concept of Peer Support comes into play.

  • Breaking Down Silos: Peer Support has the power to break down silos that have historically existed in the forensic community. By connecting professionals from various forensic disciplines, we can create a holistic, multidisciplinary approach to solving complex cases.

  • Leveraging Technology: We live in an age of information and technology. Peer Support can harness these tools to create online forums, webinars, and interactive platforms for knowledge exchange. It's a thrilling prospect to think about how technology can enhance our community.

  • Supporting Diversity and Inclusion: Peer Support is inclusive by design. It provides a space where practitioners from diverse backgrounds and experiences can come together - from big city MEs to rural coroners offices. This inclusivity strengthens our community and broadens our perspectives.

  • Advancing Our Profession: Through Peer Support, we can collectively advance our profession. This means driving policy changes, advocating for research and funding, and working toward a stronger, more respected forensic community.

  • Personal Growth and Fulfillment: At the individual level, Peer Support offers a path to personal growth and fulfillment. The excitement comes from knowing that you can achieve your career goals with the support of your peers.

#1 Make sure you are on the Peer Support Email List

I’ll be sending out emails directly to this list that include When2Meet options for monthly meetings and topic requests.

#2 Complete the privacy agreement

Privacy and trust are the cornerstones of good Peer Support. Before you can attend a zoom session, please e-sign here:


Joking around on scene? There are eyes and ears everywhere!