Fear is legit… and controllable
Alright y’all, let’s start digging in! What are your fears?
Fear is legit! It is a sneaky emotion and usually derivative of other thoughts and feelings. For me, fear kept me stuck in my “this is the way I’ve always done things” routine. Alcohol was always my constant companion - after a long day at the morgue, at social events or conferences, celebrations, weeknights, everything! When I recognized that I was ready to break up with alcohol, I had a lot of fear built up around how I was going to feel without it.
For example: What will I be missing out on? Will I be a whole new person? Will I be miserable? Will I even know how to talk to people? How to relax?
What if I couldn’t quit; what did that mean? Did that mean I would have to hit rock bottom before I could change my behaviors? What would that even look like? If I was an alcoholic, would I still be a good considered investigator or a good mom or even a good person? Will I have to start going to AA?
Being afraid of being a failure kept me from beginning.
Being afraid of the hard work kept me from beginning.
Being afraid of being miserable and unhappy kept me from beginning.
Last year, I finally admitted that I was afraid, I felt the fears, got curious about the fears, and then began on this journey in spite of those fears.
What are your fears? Photo by @lanafoleyphotography
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