Set your expectations

My husband and I like to play the “worst case scenario” game and prepare for all of the ways something might go wrong. But what if it goes right?

Expectations are different than fears.  If I went into a scene expecting it to be miserable, you better believe it was the worst. 

If I expected the case to be difficult, I was rarely disappointed. 

If you’re considering going alcohol free, you might be thinking the worst.

Your brain is expecting alcohol at a certain time every day or after a certain kind of stimuli (rough case, wedding/birthday party, annoying supervisor, day off). So even if you’re a little anxious or restless those first few days, can you hold on?  Can you expect to be uncomfortable for a few days in order to start healing? Before you know it, your brain will be expecting and learning new methods of handling all of the input, from the worst to the best WITHOUT BOOZE. 

An alcohol free life can be an enjoyable one, in fact; what if you expect it to be better than the life you’re living right now? 

🤝Set your expectations

👉Could a month without alcohol be any worse than how you’re feeling right now?

👉Can you at least give it a real try? 

👉Worse case scenario, you save some money and lose some pounds!

👉You can expect that the hardest part is starting, but learn that every day will bring you pride and gratitude

👉You are stronger than you think you are.  

#thisnakedmindcoach #deathismylife #thinpurpleline #thinblueline #thingreenline #thinyellowline #thingreyline #thinredline 




Fear is legit… and controllable