It’s not the dead people that bother me

It’s not dead people that bother me - its those living people that drive me nuts.  Yes, dead people are heavy and usually end up in weird places like that tiny space between the toilet and the bathtub but otherwise, they don’t talk back and they don’t ask for much.  The living, on the other hand, they’re the ones that drove me to drink.  I chose this profession because I enjoy asking questions to help determine cause and manner of death.  I enjoy seeing the way people live right before they die.  I like that no two cases are the same (even though all of those terrible drug ODs are starting to run together). But the list of things that bother me about working in criminal justice is 10 times longer.  We are underfunded, understaffed, and under appreciated.  Our management doesn’t understand what we do - heck the public and our families don’t even get it.  We have to do a whole lot with just a little bit and it can really wear on us.  A friend called us “the forgotten ones” in public safety and I truly believe it.  And you know what else - if I got sick, got hurt, or gave up and quit; the bosses just replaced me with someone else.  The dead people will always be there!  The public will always misunderstand us!  The management will never truly support us! (Side note - There are some really good offices out there actually and we salute you!) 

Over the last 12months, I focused on shifting my negative mindset by changing MY OWN thoughts and emotions.  I feel clear and positive about how I fit within my career.  I have proper boundaries so that I can be a successful death investigator AND human being.  The only person I can control is ME!  If you’d like to learn the 5 tools to help you show up as a better investigator, check out my website and download the FREE Responders Toolbox. #thinpurpleline #thinblueline #thinredline #thinyellowline #thingreenline #thingreyline  #deathismylife @forensics_found 


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