Pre-career: college

After high school, I moved west to study “liberal arts” at a tiny mountain college.  I knew I wanted to major in psychology (which I did) but I also took advantage of the plethora of interesting topics and fields offered.  Buddhism, Morality in War, Anthropology of Work, Philosophy of Law, Art History, Neuroscience, Physics, Sign Language, Crime Journalism, the list goes on and I tried them all. (Well, not English.  I didn’t have to take an English class and so I did not.) Getting a high level view of possibilities helps you to make a better informed decision on your next steps.  College is a great chance to see what’s out there, to see what you like, to see what you don’t like.  I was so lucky to take Forensic Anthropology with Dr. Laura Fulginiti - the class moved mountains for me and pushed me towards the path I walk today.  What have you tried that didn’t work out, that helped you clarify your endgame?  What do you think was the “instigator” on your path?  What moves your mountains? 


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