Why are you here?
Why are you here? Why do you drink more than you set out to drink? Why do you drink again when you say you’re never going to drink again? For me, drinking became a part of my death investigator personality - wine Wednesday, Friday night walks with cocktails, Sunday booze brunches - it was how I numbed out after a tough scene, how I celebrated at kids birthday parties, how I was able to talk to the people who really didn’t understand me or my job. Eventually, the booze stopped working - it stopped numbing just the bad stuff, stopped being fun, stopped helping me connect to people. So I thought I could cut back and it would be no big deal - right? WRONG! ALCOHOL IS ADDICTIVE!
Subconsciously, your brain craves the booze and believes that it’s doing something good for you but consciously, you’re sick of it and ready to stop drinking - welcome to Cognitive Dissonance! You’ve been conditioned to drink to relax (on cop shows, where do they always go after a tough case?!) The stress created from trying to cut back the booze LEADS YOU BACK TO THE BOOZE! It’s so amazing - your brain is just doing what it’s supposed to do and ITS NOT YOUR FAULT.
Willpower will not work. White knuckling it will not work. Blaming and shaming yourself will not work. Guilt trips and ultimatums will not work. It’s time to get curious about WHY you’re drinking and what benefit you think it’s providing you. #thealcoholexperiment #forensicsfound #cognitivedissonance #willpowerisamuscle #pillowpledge #whatisyourwhy #alcoholisaddictive #thinblueline #thinpurpleline #thingreyline #thingreenline #thinredline #thinyellowline @lanafoleyphotography