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Day 24 - Are Addictive Personalities Real?

We’ve all heard the term ‘addictive personality’ and it’s used rather loosely in today’s society. I find this interesting because if something is addictive, then isn’t the substance or thing what is causing the addiction and not the person or personality?

Anthropology - basically the study of people and groups of people - fascinates me. (I have a master’s degree in forensic anthropology.) Our current global culture has embraced alcohol and drinking. It’s become part of our social DNA and it’s highly accepted and even celebrated. I can’t help but wonder about the sociological human influence behind all of this. Would we have ever even started drinking if someone we knew hadn’t been drinking and offered us a drink?

Very few of us (if any) started drinking while sitting alone in a room thinking “hmmm. I’m bored. I want to drink for the very first time all by myself”. Most likely, we were with friends, family, or other influences that initiated the first sip. But, why is it that some people go on to become addicted while others can take or leave it? My advice is to be careful when using the term ‘addictive personality’. This places a tremendous amount (maybe all) of the blame on the individual who has become addicted and none of the blame on the substance that is actually what is addictive. In fact, addiction is not a malfunction, it is your brain and body were acting exactly as it is supposed to when exposed to alcohol!

There are multiple, complex layers involved in a person becoming addicted to alcohol. Some people have been exposed to it all their lives and know no different. Factors such as weight, social pressures, cultural norms, and yes, personality play into this process. Even media and advertising could have a role in whether or not a person becomes addicted. If you’ve dug a hole of self-blame and self-loathing because you think your addiction is all because of YOU - it can be hard to climb back out. The good news is this - often times the same traits that got us addicted can be used to overcome the addiction. If you’ve got a strong-willed personality and a need to prove others wrong, then use it to your advantage. If you are a control-freak, yet can’t understand how alcohol has taken over control of your life, know that it’s ok to get mad at alcohol for stealing control - it’s time to steal it back! Start to view your personality traits as your assets instead of your downfall. Often times, the way you got into this can be the same way out.

January 23

Day 23 - Alcohol’s Effects on Your Health

January 25

Day 25 - Setbacks and the Way Forward