Have you hugged a last responder today?

Hello Responders,


Happy New Year!  On this day one year ago, I found out I was being laid off my brand new job, a job I’d taken instead of accepting a full ride to a doctorate in forensic anthropology (my real dream). I was about six months into a sober curious journey, and I was mostly alcohol free but still not totally stable. My aunt had died the week before and my kitchen was under renovation with no end in sight. On the surface, I felt like everything I’d worked so hard for was being taken away, that I had no power to control my own life.  But when I really questioned that thought, I found it wasn’t true.  My current problems had nothing to do with how hard I worked - I can’t control the government!  I can’t predict the future!  


Today, I’m flying home from the holidays writing an email to a group of people who are interested in what I have to say.  (Hello!  Thanks for being interested!). I could have chosen to spend my layoff depressed, wallowing around, back to my old drinking habits.  Instead, I dug into the tools I’d learned while reading This Naked Mind and participating in the Live Alcohol Experiment. They seemed like magic tricks back then; tools about questioning my thoughts and then turning them around to make me feel more empowered.  For example, I thought I could only do one thing for the rest of my life - be a forensic investigator.  But that wasn’t true - I’d learned a lot of skills over the last fifteen years.  I can take great scene photos and write good reports.  I don’t like teaching big groups but love sharing what I know to interested folks.  I can lift dead people three times my size, put them in a bag, onto a stretcher, and into the back of a big truck - all while the rookie cop picks maggots off his clean boots.  I like to follow protocols but have no problem pivoting when a new fact arises.  All of my basic work skills were actually quite useful in whatever I wanted to do next.  So I took that momentum and applied it to make my very own business - Forensics Found.  This is a one-stop shop for anything responder related.  I want to help you do the best job you can with the tools available to you.  If you feel lost in this job, I want to help you find your way.  Keep going!


PS - The government took me back, with a raise! And I found a part time death investigation gig I do when I want!  I’ve been completely alcohol free for almost a year (end of February)!  My kitchen is complete and better than imagined!   


Thanks for listening to my story.  I’d be happy to listen to yours anytime! See you next week (with specific tips ad tools on how to build your career and a mindset to withstand it),


Be safe out there,



I was a total loser


Last responders are surrounded by death, so let’s choose to live