Death Investigation 101
Katharine Pope Katharine Pope

Death Investigation 101

In forensic science, there is no “career-in-a-box.” In death investigation, for example, my colleagues are trained as registered nurses, funeral directors, forensic anthropologists, EMTs, or autopsy technicians. We don’t necessarily receive formal training in how to talk to grieving families or why hypertension and diabetes leads to natural deaths.

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I was a total loser
Katharine Pope Katharine Pope

I was a total loser

I graduated with a solid 2.something GPA (LOSER!), I think back on this time very fondly. It was important to my development to try, fail, and try again. If I’d given up and gone home that first week, or after my first C grade, I might not have learned to pick myself up, to study harder, to keep trying until I won.Next week, I want to share the uphill battle from undergrad loser to Graduate Student of the Year!

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Have you hugged a last responder today?
Katharine Pope Katharine Pope

Have you hugged a last responder today?

Happy New Year! On this day one year ago, I found out I was being laid off my brand new federal job, a job I’d taken instead of accepting a full ride to a doctorate in forensic anthropology (my real dream). I was about six months into a sober curious journey, and I was mostly alcohol free but still not totally stable. My aunt had died the week before and my kitchen was under renovation with no end in sight.

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My origin story: why I’m hooked on forensic science
Katharine Pope Katharine Pope

My origin story: why I’m hooked on forensic science

I’ve known I wanted to be in forensic science since I was middle school-aged. My parents are both responders and never shied away from talking about blood and guts at the dinner table (you know, the things that make us human!). When school was out, my dad would take me to work with him and I’d walk around downtown DC, try to get into the FBI building, or sit in the Emergency Department and watch it hum. One day, EMS rolled in a patient who attempted suicide by ingesting a toxic seed – with him, they brought a thick packet of research he prepared in order to end his life. I was stunned! All that time and effort could have gone to anything, and this guy chose to spend it on how to best kill himself?! My mind was blown and I was hooked on “the abnormal.” What in the world is this death thing? Why don’t we know more about it? Why are we scared of it? Why do people do the things they do? Why don’t we all do those things?

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