Have you ever stopped to think about how wonderfully complex our minds and brains are? Just think about the measures taken to protect our brains - from football to tornado drills - it’s the first and most important thing we instinctively protect. The drawback to being the proud owner of such a powerful tool is that sometimes we unknowingly misuse it. We can talk ourselves into things and we can talk ourselves out of other things. We can easily make ourselves miserable if we just set our minds to it. Going alcohol free is no exception. If we anticipate that going alcohol free (even for just 30 days) is going to be miserable, you can almost put money on the fact that it will be.
When we are in trouble (i.e. we see a bear), our body releases the appropriate chemicals to protect us. When we cut ourselves shaving, clotting factors help us not bleed excessively. Our entire body really is a phenomenal, intricate miracle - but it runs best when it’s well cared for.
One of the best things we can do both physically and mentally is to be kind to ourselves.
This challenge is designed with your well being in mind, so think and speak positively about anticipating your life being alcohol free. You might be surprised at the difference it makes in your overall outlook.
PS - The ACT for today focuses on health. We’ve been told by multiple sources that “research shows” drinking in moderation can actually benefit our health. If you’ve come to believe this, then it’s worth questioning to find out if this belief is actually true. We’ll attempt to turn this belief around by listing ways that alcohol is NOT healthy in moderation.